If these symptoms sound familiar, we encourage you to take our short quiz below to understand whether you may have sleep apnea.
CPAP may be used in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) to treat preterm infants whose lungs have not yet fully developed and who may have respiratory distress syndrome from surfactant deficiency.
BiPAP: Bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP) machines allow for different pressure settings for inhalation and exhalation. Users who find it uncomfortable to exhale against the constant pressure of a CPAP machine may prefer the lower expiratory pressure on a BiPAP machine.
Tongue retaining devices (TRD) use suction to draw the tongue partially out of the mouth, which helps prevent the base of the tongue from blocking the airway.
, using the machine for at least four hours a night on 70% of nights. CPAP users may struggle to meet these requirements or feel it is an invasion of privacy.
As time goes on, you will discover which sleeping positions feel most comfortable, and though getting used to your CPAP therapy may seem like a challenge at first, don’t give up: CPAP is proven to work.
While CPAP machines are very effective, they may not be the right choice for everyone. Some people may find sleeping with a CPAP mask uncomfortable. Luckily, there are many CPAP alternative treatments for sleep apnea. Here, our Reviews Team walks you through some of the other effective options.
Like you, I also struggled at the beginning of my therapy, but I pushed through it, and I’m very happy with the results.
A number of surgeries can reduce apnea events, though the evidence for their efficacy is limited to small studies.
Nasal EPAP is an emerging treatment for OSA that uses the individual’s own breath to keep their airway open. This therapy utilizes disposable valves that are secured into or over the nostrils. When the sleeper exhales, the valves block airflow and create enough pressure to keep the airway open.
Outline the role of an interprofessional team for improving care coordination and communication to effectively deliver CPAP therapy and improve outcomes.
Anyone who has been diagnosed with OSA and is unable to tolerate use a CPAP device, as well as individuals with mild OSA or snoring can benefit from lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of sleep website apnea.
Adjusting to CPAP therapy can be challenging for a variety of reasons including discomfort to air delivery, irritation from a device’s mask or difficulty acclimating to a machine’s sound level.
Overall with your AHI being below 3, it sounds like the therapy is working well for you. Also, keep in mind that it does take time for you to get use to the changes that you are faced with from starting your CPAP therapy.